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- Chile - Canadá:

30 de Septiembre de 2015

Another Canadian gold mine: Barrick Gold and the Indigenous communities of Huasco, Chile

This week’s guest writer is Adrienne Wiebe, staff person for MCC Alberta. A trained anthropologist, Adrienne summarizes the findings of a longer report she undertook for MiningWatch Canada and the Latin American Observatory of Environmental Conflicts (Observatorio Latinoamericano de Conflictos Ambientales or OLCA).

- In March of this year, I visited the beautiful Huasco River valley in the Andes Mountains in northern Chile to learn about the impact of a gold mine on the local people and their valley.

The Huasco Valley in the arid Andes Mountains of Chile and the glacier fed river that enables cultivation. Photo by Adrienne Wiebe.
The mine is operated by Toronto-based Barrick Gold, the largest gold mining company in the world. Straddling the height of the Andes Mountains between Chile and Argentina, the Pascua-Lama site boasts one of the largest reserves of gold and silver ever discovered – an estimated 15.4 million ounces of gold and 675 million ounces of silver.

The mine has been plagued with challenges and controversy since construction began in the late 1990s. Of primary concern has been the negative environmental impact of the project, particularly given the location of mineral reserves underneath and near glaciers that are part of a watershed that serves this fragile but fertile valley. The small glacier-fed river in the valley enables small-scale irrigation and cultivation of food crops and vineyards. Threats to the supply and quality of the water have been the primary concern. Several times over the last 15 years, operations have been halted because of environmental violations. A denunciation by local community groups was accepted by the Inter-American Human Rights Commission in 2009.

Indigenous peoples and social license

Given the generally negative local perception of the mine, Barrick has been focusing in the past ten years on gaining the support of the local Indigenous population. These are people who identify as Diaguita, the traditional Indigenous people in the area, and who represent about half of the current area population. However, until 2006, the Diaguita were not an official “ancestral people” recognized by the Chilean government.

A meeting with Diaguita community leaders in the Huasco Valley, Chile to talk about the impact of the Pascua-Lama mine. Photo by Adrienne Wiebe.
Barrick was involved from the beginning in the process of what the company called “rescuing” Diaguita culture. The company funded cultural classes and documentation and application for Indigenous status for residents. It was also involved in the formation of Indigenous state-recognized community groups.

In May 2014, the company signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with 15 Diaguita communities that it helped to form. According to Barrick Gold officials, the agreements met the requirements of international guidelines of the rights of Indigenous peoples to consultation, participation, and to set their own development priorities as laid out by the international Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention, (International Labour Organization ILO – No. 169). Barrick felt that this MOU set a new standard for mining companies around the world in their relationships with local Indigenous communities.

A problematic process

However, local community members presented a different story. Palinay, a Diaguita artisan, objects to the commodification and exploitation of her Indigenous identity:

Palinay, a Diaguita community member, impacted by Barrick’s Pascua Lama gold mine in the Andes Mountains of Chile. Photo by Adrienne Wiebe.
“We dress up for ceremonies and photos when we sign agreements. We are learning the Quechua language, the language of the Inca Empire, not the local language, because [Barrick brought] someone from the Quechua area who came to teach ceramics and taught people some Quechua words. Those people signing the MOU are a caricature of our culture. Barrick is using Indigenous status to legitimize its presence. We need to make an effort to guard our authentic culture, preserve it, and transmit it to our children.”

Jhon Meléndez, a Diaguita and a spokesperson for the Coalition for Water of Huasco Alto (Asamblea del Agua del Huasco Alto), is a member of a small Diaguita community which was one of the groups that did not sign the MOU with Barrick:

“Although we have lost a lot of our culture, we maintain our traditions. We are not ‘rescuing’ our Indigenous identity, like Barrick says; rather we are ‘preserving’ our identity.”

For many of the local people, Barrick Gold was in a conflict of interest when it utilized its immense resources to finance the registration of Indigenous identity, form government-recognized Indigenous communities, and then sign agreements with these groups.

The result: social conflict

According to the community members I spoke with, the development and approval of the MOU was a confusing process, which lacked transparency, and created social conflict and division. Barrick Gold provided handouts of money to community groups that resulted in accusations of mismanagement, bribery, and cronyism. Because of the conflicts, today there are two or three Indigenous organizations in communities where previously only one existed.

Since 2013, mining operations at Pascua-Lama have been suspended because of environmental and regulatory compliance issues. In early September 2015, an indefinite halt of operations was announced because of escalating costs (the project has cost more than $5 billion to date), the declining price of gold on the international markets (a price of $1,500 per ounce is needed to make the project feasible), and share-holder dis-satisfaction with performance.

However, while mining operations may have halted for now, the Pascua-Lama mining project has done enduring damage to the social fabric of the valley.

Read the full report published by MiningWatch Canada and OLCA (Observatorio Latinoamericano de Conflictos Ambientales).

MCC Ottawa Office Notebook
Advocacy for justice, peace and human dignity




Minería transfronteriza / Pueblos originarios / Comunidades / Pascua-Lama /

Proyecto Pascua-Lama:

SEA Atacama realiza visita técnica por EIA “Modificación Fase de Cierre Pascua Lama” (23/02/2024)

Dirección General de Aguas investiga denuncia sobre contaminación de ríos por proyecto minero Pascua Lama (17/02/2023)

Demanda colectiva contra Barrick Gold por dar falsas declaraciones medioambientales (14/01/2023)

Pascua Lama: Corte Suprema rechaza recurso de casación y confirma fallo de Tribunal Ambiental que sancionó a proyecto minero en proceso de cierre (14/07/2022)

Maricunga, Pascua Lama y Vizcachitas: Los cuestionados proyectos que Boric omitió en su visita a Canadá (13/06/2022)

Evalúan avances en actividades de cierre de Pascua Lama (25/03/2022)

Comunidad logra fallo histórico de la Corte Suprema: Demuestran que Barrick Gold desobedece cierre de Pascua Lama y se ordena a las autoridades supervisarla de manera efectiva (08/02/2022)

Corte Suprema acusa a Pascua Lama de incumplir el plan de cierre y ordena fiscalización de autoridades (05/02/2022)

Denuncian a minera Barrick Gold por río que sigue contaminado al no cerrar su proyecto Pascua Lama (12/11/2021)

Acusan a Minera Barrick Gold de contaminar río en el cierre de Pascua Lama (02/11/2021)

Chile - Minería transfronteriza

SEA Atacama realiza visita técnica por EIA “Modificación Fase de Cierre Pascua Lama” (23/02/2024)

Demanda colectiva contra Barrick Gold por dar falsas declaraciones medioambientales (14/01/2023)

Pascua Lama: Corte Suprema rechaza recurso de casación y confirma fallo de Tribunal Ambiental que sancionó a proyecto minero en proceso de cierre (14/07/2022)

Evalúan avances en actividades de cierre de Pascua Lama (25/03/2022)

Comunidad logra fallo histórico de la Corte Suprema: Demuestran que Barrick Gold desobedece cierre de Pascua Lama y se ordena a las autoridades supervisarla de manera efectiva (08/02/2022)

Corte Suprema acusa a Pascua Lama de incumplir el plan de cierre y ordena fiscalización de autoridades (05/02/2022)

Denuncian a minera Barrick Gold por río que sigue contaminado al no cerrar su proyecto Pascua Lama (12/11/2021)

Acusan a Minera Barrick Gold de contaminar río en el cierre de Pascua Lama (02/11/2021)

Comunidades rechazan por engañoso el plan de cierre de Pascua Lama propuesto por Barrick Gold (28/10/2021)

No hay respuestas: Pascua Lama es denunciado por muerte de especie vulnerable, sigue funcionando pese a su clausura total y mantendría negociaciones con el SII (31/03/2021)

Minería transfronteriza

Firmas y sellos falsos figuran en la aprobación de licencia ambiental de mina Cerro Blanco, señala ministra. Guatemala (24/04/2024)

La explotación de una mina de oro en la frontera entre Haití y la República Dominicana causa preocupación. Haití (17/09/2023)

Protesta en las aguas de Güija contra la minería en El Salvador y Guatemala. El Salvador (23/04/2023)

Guatemaltecos rechazan la mina Cerro Blanco a cielo abierto, que afecta ríos de El Salvador. Guatemala (19/09/2022)

Ambientalistas de Guatemala y El Salvador rechazan la minería. Guatemala (23/04/2022)

Pueblos originarios

Declaración de la sociedad civil y los pueblos indígenas sobre el fin de la asociación de la FAO con CropLife International. Internacional (10/06/2024)

Ver más:
Minería transfronteriza / Pueblos originarios / Comunidades / Pascua-Lama /